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Custom Design Form

indicates a required answer

Thank you for allowing us to help update your site!
You are not required to complete this form, but the more information you can provide, the more quickly and easier the process will go.
1. *

Business or Organization name:


If you have a logo, please upload here. 

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip

Do you have any preferences for color and style? (examples of this might be forest colors, colors in our logo, a bright and cheery feel or a professional look)


What contact information do you want included in the footer: (email, phone number, facebook link, other links, etc.) Please list here:


Do you have social media accounts that you want to link (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)? If yes, provide links here:


Here are a few examples of other websites to get inspiration from:

- Safe Harbor Pregnancy Medical Center  



- Town of Lomira

- United Reformed Churches in North America  



- Town of Oconomowoc  

- YMCA of Dodge County



- WW Electric Motors


Do you like anything about these or other websites? Why are they attractive to you? Any specific features you would like included? 


Think through how you want to navigate and organize your site. Referring to this diagram, what links and widgets do you want and where? (which on public and which on private?)


Is there anything else you would like me to know? 


You may also upload a document with this information if that is more convenient. 

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip