Upgrade to the next level by adding members or employees

Church Web Site
Grace United Reformed Church technology committee was tasked with finding an inexpensive web site solution that would allow others to find their service information, communcate with their members on a secure side of the site as well post links to their 'live' stream services. They found it extremely easy to use, easy to get started and very easy to maintain. Grace URC contacted Service-Life to create a customer design for their site.
Service-Life.com Custom Design Options:
Standard website. Our designers have prepared hundreds of site layout options for you to consider, as well as opportunities for you to customize your own colors and layout.
Custom options. Are you looking for something more specific? Individualized? Unique? You may want to consider purchasing a custom graphics makeover. Our gifted graphic designers are able to create your logo, recommend new colors, and provide you with a fresh new look that is sure to catch your eye

Secure Side of the Web Site and Publishing Bulletins
Grace URC wanted a secure side to their web site where members could login securely. Once logged in, the members have access to other members contaction information, church documents they share and the ability to leave prayer requests. They also publish their church bulletins each week online. It's a great way to stay up to date and stay connected! They have members in assisted living that are unable to attend worship services that login each week to read the bulletin.

Church 'live' Stream Woship Services
Grace URC 'live' streams their worship services to YouTube each week. With the user of a widget, they simply include the HTML code provided by YouTube to easily setup a way for members and non-membes to stream the worship services. They also subscribe to SermonAudio and with another widget are easily able to display a past history of uploaded audio of sermons.

Secure Membership Directory
…with no added effort from you! When a family registers to be part of your church, they are keying in their own information which, with your 1-click approval, will become a part of your Member Directory. It’s that easy!
The online directory makes it simple for your families to contact each other. There are even optional Google map links to help families find nearby homeschooling friends.
The Family Directory is a tool for leadership as well. Behind the scenes, you can arrange families with common characteristics into sections. The sections are useful for emailing specific groups or for setting up priority sign ups for classes or events. You have complete control over your online secure family directory. Here are some more features of this multifaceted tool:
- Admin can download to Excel
- Families can print phonebook style, if enabled
- Admin can park families (remove login and email privileges) or delete families
- Families can update their own phone number, email, address, etc.