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Step into your own mobile tools with custom web applications

Timesheet Entry

Excel already had a time entry keeping system but they wanted a way to make time entry mobile.  They tied an online custom secure form to allow their employees to login to the corporate extranet for employees to enter time against jobs.  The form integrates with SQL so the data is automatically included in their timekeeping system.

  • Add/Edit timesheet entries
  • Job numbers for job costing
  • Date of week
  • Phase code for job costing
  • Hours
  • Timecode entry for further timesheet analysis
  • Comments
  • Summary of hours worked each week
  • Ability to mark timesheet entries as completed

MER - Mileage Expense Reimbursment

Excel needed a way to collect employee receipts for business expenses and to record employee mileage for work.  They had a custom form crated tied to SQL to enter mileage and expenses. 

  • Entry date
  • Employee is defaulted to user logged in to the secure Extranet
  • Job number for job costing
  • Expense type (car rental, hotel, etc.)
  • Amount
  • Notes
  • Ability to mark that all receipts have been entered for the month
  • Mobile friendly
  • Ability to take a picture of a receipt and attach to an expense

Pay Stub History

Excel processes their payroll with Sage and time entry is recorded in a custom database application tied to SQL.  They wanted the ability to export Sage data to create a paystub for each employee.  They had a custom web applicaiton built to automatically upload a secure, pin protected, paystub PDF to the corporate extranet each pay period.  Employees can access their paystub information at anytime by logging in to the secure extranet.


Service-Life.com has a built in classifieds tools that allows employees to post items for sale to each other.  Employees can list and manage their own items for sale.  They can buy and sell clothing, toys, cars, houses… you name it! 

No extra work required.  Families are responsible to add, delete, and update their own classifieds.  The site automatically cleans up expired classified items so you don’t have to.


Start Free for 60 Days  Prices starting less than $25/month.