Upgrade to the next level by adding members or employees

Corporate Extranet
Excel Engineering was looking to provide a way to communicate with it's employees. Their corporate extranet includes a secure website with: HR benefits and forms, a wellness dashboard and marketing dashboard. They also added a timesheet entry for mobile employees. Some of the key features include: sign out board for employees, paystub history exported from Sage Accounting, data entry for mileage and expenses complete with submitting picutres of receipts, a classifieds area to sell to employees, a photo directory of employees and a custom logo ware store geared toward promoting Excel logoware clothing. The logoware store is tied to PayPal where employees can pay online for purchases.
- Timesheet entry
- Mileage Expense Reimbursement entry
- Sign / Sign out feature
- Paystub history with a custom export from Sage
- HR dashboard with commonly asked questions, common benefit forms
- Marketing dashboard with employee resumes
- Employee pictoral directory by department
- Excel logoware store
- Calendar of company events, employee birthdays
- Forum to post personal notices / ads for personal employee events

RFP Proposals
Excel Engenineering was looking for a way for its project managers to generate their own RFP proposals online without assistance from marketing and having to know photoshop. They created a custom RFP solution that is wizard driven asking key questions to build an RFP. Marketing uploaded all the images for selection in their RFP. When done, they can create a PDF suitable for delivery to a client.
- New / Edit RFP proposals
- RFP wizard to build RFP proposal
- Cover page
- Table of contents
- Firm profile
- PDF library (Exhibit, Firm profile, Project Lists, Billing Rates, SOQ's)
- Organizational chart based on team members
- Client References
- Fee proposals
- Custom build your own page
- PDF stitching tool for a professional output

Custom Logoware Store
After outsourcing the Excel logoware store to a third party and running into issues with orders and payments, Excel decided to build a custome web application. The logoware store is available to Excel employees via the Excel web site where they can select from many clothing choices, colors, size and logos. After they add to cart, the payment is tied to PayPal where the employee checks out. Accounting receives the money, marketing exports the order and sends it off to a vendor for fullfillment.
- Storefront Designer (custom widget page to layout selected items)
- Products
- Product name
- Product description
- Base Price
- Default Vendor ID
- Additional product information to upload as file attachment
- Default image
- Store categories
- Product options (color, product image, additional price)
- Product Categories
- Hats/Kids & Infant/Safety/T-Shirts/Etc.
- Product Options
- Color
- Sample Image
- Order tracking with invoices and payment detail, integration with PayPal