Step into your own mobile tools with custom web applications

VetIntegration is a gorup of veterinarians looking for way to make their proactice more effecient by streamlining invoice entry, controll their shrinkage of pharmaceuticals off the truck and be given the ability to securily track medical records for customers. created this custom web applicaiton by converting their exisitng Access database to the web and SQL.
Creating an invoice in the field is easy! Just login to your secure site and immediatley begin to enter invoice items.
- Invoice creation and tracking
- At a glance what I've billed for the day
- Customer and Inventory list availble from your Sage or QuickBooks
- PDF or Email invoices to your customers
- Easy review of your invoices and quick access by office

Medical Records Tracking
Medical record tracking is so easy! Select your customer, enter the animal and then begin to choose from predefined treatments, services and pharmaceuticals.
- Medical records tracking by customer and animal
- Diagnosis selection from your predefined list
- Pharmaceutical selection from your predefined list
- Calculates milk and meat withdrawal dates
- Calculates units based on animal weight and dosage
- Tracks controlled substances as you administer
- Treatment selection from your predefined list
- PDF or Email invoices to your customers
- Easy review of your invoices and quick access by office

Field Invoicing
Select a customer and start entering invoice items. It's that easy!
- Customers: integrate with Sage or Quickbooks and take your customer list with you into the field.
- Inventory: integrate with Sage or Quickbooks and take your inventory items and costs with you into the field.
- Review: when you are finished the invoice, select 'Review' and the office will have immediate access to your invoice.
- Post: this lets you know the office has posted your office. They can either import into Sage or QuickBooks.
- PDF: download a PDF of the invoice
- Email: email the PDF invoice to your customer

Accounting Integration
Do you use Quickbooks or Sage (Peachtree)? Would you like to enter the invoice items on a laptop or mobile device at the customer site? It's easy! The office has instant access to the invoices you have created and can easily import them into Quickbooks or Sage.
- Customers: easy import from Sage or QuickBooks
- Inventory: easy import from Sage or QuickBooks. As you change prices, quickly import your new inventory list to your VetIntegration site and all your vets immediately have the changes.
- Invoices: easy export to Sage or Quickbooks.
Mobile Friendly is available for all mobile devices! Easiy enter invoices and medical reocrds at the customer site. The program was designed by vets and for vets.